Optimism is a Moral Choice


We can model resilience in uncertainty. The whiplash just keeps coming. Covid. Climate Change. Local Disasters. Global Instability. Riots. War. Those of us with lived experience — we who are older — have both the opportunity and responsibility to model … Read More

When Our Best Friends, Our Parents, Die


Longer adult friendships with parents are new, generationally. I never had a Grandma and Grandpa that matched the storybook pictures. When I was a grandkid in the 1960s, the average lifespan was the late 60’s. Both grandfathers had died before … Read More

Paul Farmer, a Global Health Hero


In memoriam for the doctor who walked with the poor. Paul Farmer died this week and deserves a public eulogy in many spaces. He was a hero in global healthcare and we need to hold up our heroes. This week … Read More

Eulogy for Pantyhose


I tossed an entire drawer full of pantyhose. I don’t know when that red-letter day was — This Is The Last Day I Wear Pantyhose — but it was some time four years ago when I still went to an … Read More

Widow’s Row with Too Much Cologne


Smell evokes a time and place. In my childhood church, there was a pew known as Widow’s Row. It was the third pew from the front, right-hand side, and you sat there only by invitation. The row reeked of cologne, … Read More

Ursula Le Guin Did Not Write Bromides about Aging


No Time to Spare is a collection of her blogs I laughed out loud while reading Ursula Le Guin’s No Time to Spare (2017), her last book collected from her blogs. She started blogging in her 80’s, inspired by another mature writer. I … Read More

How Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution


Peppermint Schnapps is not worth the deprivation Ice fishing promotions can lead to prostitution, an Ohio mayor declared. He has just announced his resignation. Others may have tittered about this statement, but they probably have never been ice fishing. I … Read More