Caretaking My Fundamentalist Aunt

When family needs and individual needs collide The hospital social worker called me and told me my aunt had checked herself out of the geriatric mental health unit, where she was for treatment of depression, against medical advice. I sighed … Read More

Surgery Time Out for the Future

What are your outcomes: surgery, treatment, grieving? Surgery recommendations have been a part of my life for the past year. While I have felt halt and lame, my goal is to be hale and hearty and live fully, not merely … Read More

Hear That Lonesome Whistle Blow

The Harmonic Chords of a Train Whistle A freight train rolls by on the tracks, and the engineer pulls the whistle, which reverberates across the river and comes back as an echo. The right combination of speed, the Doppler effect, … Read More

The Vagaries of Blog Appearances

Sorry I have not posted for awhile, but the website went down for reasons I don’t understand and came back online for reasons I don’t understand. I do understand that a writer these days must become minimally technically proficient, which … Read More

The Generation Gap & Mothers

Boomers may have had that distance If you created a table of organization for my birth family, the father would have been CEO, then the mother as COO, with all other lines reporting up through her. I don’t think this … Read More

The Zing of Feeling Enmity Polarization Has Emotional Roots I did not want to be in a support staff position. I wanted to be in operations and run the show, even if it was a small show. I did, eventually. … Read More

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