Spiraling Down, Spiraling In, Spiraling Out


The Sun, Moana, the Greeks, the Celts, and me. The sun inset with a spiral floated on the banner behind the altar in front of the sanctuary of the United Church of Christ. I was struck by the spiritual image, … Read More

When My Granddaughter Plays Barbies with My 60s Dolls


My granddaughter is three and a half and loves playing with my Barbies. I have the original Titian bubble-head doll, and my younger sister contributed Midge and Malibu Barbie. I bought a current, more reasonably shaped Barbie to add to … Read More

One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer


Why happiness is the sum of our lives at the end One of the lessons I remember from my Intro to Philosophy class lo these fifty years hence is that Aristotle thought happiness cannot be fully known until old age. When … Read More

Virginia Woolf and Tillie Olsen: Inventing Women’s Literature


“I Stand Here Ironing” is Olsen’s classic; Virginia Woolf was a heroine We didn’t always have women’s studies. I remember clearly the independent study I took with a part-time professor of English, a faculty wife who had an advanced degree … Read More