Happy Un-Valentine’s Day: Buy Yourself a Box of Candy


Whitman’s, Russell Stover, a nostalgic box with a map The stores filled up with Valentine’s goodies the day after New Year’s. I glided past the displayed heart-shaped boxes that have more cost in the boxes — red satin, ribbons, fake … Read More

Feminist Analyses: ‘Alice’ and ‘An Unmarried Woman’


Two 70s proto-feminist movies that show the myths Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore is now streaming. I had never seen the film that made a small splash at the time. I couldn’t believe it was honoring the heroine for leaving … Read More

The Success of Envying Your Adult Child’s Relationship


Partnerships can be more egalitarian The recent pictures on a friend’s Facebook post include a grandchild, and the year before a big wedding, grinning bride and groom, and a big wedding party. Edie, the mom/grandmom who is my friend, was … Read More

That Night at Studio 54


Tales from New York City in the 70s It was Studio 54’s heyday, and I wanted to go. The neighborhood Democratic Party sold tickets as a fundraiser that gave the holder entrance to Studio 54. Standing in line was a … Read More

Deep in the January Doldrums


The Big Freeze, Shut-In, The Cold Creeps In Most of the United States is in a deep freeze right now. I retired from Minnesota to Oregon precisely because I didn’t want to deal with snow and ice, but this week … Read More

Flamingos’ Tongues and the Republic’s Decline


Mary Beard is Britain’s “most beloved intellectual” CottonBro on Pexels The auditorium was packed to hear a classicist with a sense of humor. Mary Beard’s latest book was published recently. She was reviewed in The New York Times. She also … Read More

Mystical Connections with the Old Turtle


Sitting by the alligator snapping turtle The turtle was in a display cube of water with a big rock. The alligator snapping turtle is one of the largest turtles in the world, and I kept hearing this one was 150 … Read More

How a Fitbit Saved My Life


Alerts about Atrial Fibrillation The reality is that I was scared. OK, I’m 70, and stuff happens. I didn’t think I had a family history of any heart problems, but I did have a grandfather who died of stroke. He … Read More

As I Get Older, I Treasure Friendships from Youth


Make new friends, but keep the old… A curious feature about getting older is my growing-up years seem closer. I reconnected with friends at my 40th and 50th high school reunions, and have maintained connections with some. There is a … Read More