Bernice Reagon, Civil Rights Voice, Paved the Way for Kamala Harris


Bernice Johnson Reagon, Freedom Singer, founded Sweet Honey in the Rock Bernice Johnson Reagon went home, over the River Jordan, on Friday. With the presidential sweepstakes taking the news attention, it might be easy to overlook the great musician who … Read More

Caretaking My Fundamentalist Aunt


When family needs and individual needs collide The hospital social worker called me and told me my aunt had checked herself out of the geriatric mental health unit, where she was for treatment of depression, against medical advice. I sighed … Read More

Surgery Time Out for the Future


What are your outcomes: surgery, treatment, grieving? Surgery recommendations have been a part of my life for the past year. While I have felt halt and lame, my goal is to be hale and hearty and live fully, not merely … Read More

Don’t Give Free Rent to Someone You Need to Evict from Your Head


Manage Your Influencers I spent too much time four years ago obsessing over the state of the world. We were in Covid times, and I had lost all sense of control. None of us were in control. I tried to … Read More