The Martha Circle Bakes, Cooks, Cleans, and is Superior


Mary might listen raptly, but she could get ear pods and help The smell of coffee from a percolator filled the living room when my mother hosted the Martha Circle. Ladies’ aid circles were a tradition in our community. My … Read More

Two Friends Go Out for Lunch and Almost Have a Conversation


“Remember his name?” “No, but I know who you mean.” Me: “I love this place. It has a French name, so it seems tonier, even if it isn’t.” Friend: “Yes, it’s La Providence, right?” Me: “La Provence, but you were … Read More

73-Year-Old Man Gets First Job


His wife is now fashion-plate and paparazzi quest I feel sorry for Camilla, Queen Consort. She is 75, and the object of photographers and fashion writers. She has to dress up, wear good shoes, and have her hair done. During … Read More

I Misread ‘The Summer Before the Dark’ as about Menopause


Rereading influential novels at an older age can change their meaning The Summer Before the Dark by Doris Lessing (1973) was a book I misunderstood as about the onset of older age and menopause. The book as I read it … Read More

The California Zephyr: Amtrak Trip Outtakes


The Coast Starlight charges through the mountains It is 11 a.m. and the sun barely skirts the mountain top, striking the aspens bright yellow. The poplars are golden against the dusky lodgepole pine. The train is moving slowly, yet again, … Read More

Big Amtrak Trip: Plains, Trains, Rivers


The rail pass experience and wonderful visits The Bakken Oil Fields are alight at night time. Western North Dakota used to be vast plains, fields and black sky. Now the gas flares off the oil wells into the far distant … Read More

Taking That Big Amtrak Scenic Trip


People tell me they’ve thought about taking Amtrak scenic routes: Here are my insights Early October along the Columbia Gorge meets fantasies about train travel. The sky is that beautiful crisp blue, the trees are changing, highlighted by the dark … Read More