Ladies — Let’s Talk About the Aging Bladder


How a whole-person approach has worked · First the disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. But I am an aging woman, with aging parts. I bought a jumper, the one-piece bodysuit that looks so cute on two-year-olds and teens. … Read More

Heterodoxy: Women without Taboos Formed a Club in Greenwich Village


The Women’s Club provided role models for me Carol Bly was intimidating at the breakfast round table. “Common ground,” she opined “doesn’t exist. I hate when anyone talks about common ground.” She pronounced common ground a lost cause in the … Read More

Renting in Retirement


I’ve given up maintenance for more time. The decision to retire someplace without snow and ice was made when I was flat on my back on the sidewalk in Minnesota. The black ice was invisible, and I had stepped off … Read More

My Dahlia Season


Dahlias provide color from August until frost A delight of retiring to Oregon, which I didn’t know before I moved, is the plenitude of flower farmers. Many farmers open their fields in the blooming season, to bring in customers and … Read More

Dear Janis Joplin


What if you were alive now at 80? Your skin was turned inside out. Raw is the adjective used for you. Raw emotions. Raw voice. Raw talent. But you were starting to learn to control your voice, so it could last many … Read More