My Financial Advisor Lost His License After Scamming Older Women


Listen to your gut feeling even if it’s based on slivers of information I chose my financial advisor the way you are not supposed to make that decision. I went to a free lunch presentation titled “Can You Afford to … Read More

The World Inside Your Head


Wayne Shorter, Jazz Artist, Sharing the Creative Process The Wayne Shorter documentary currently streaming (Zero Gravity) blew me away. It’s not often I see a piece on screen, or read an essay, that allows me to enter into and understand … Read More

The Gilded Age, My Aunt Olga, The Woolworths


I thought my great-aunt was just a cook My Great-Aunt Olga emigrated from Sweden at the beginning of the 20th century. Like other immigrants, she found employment as a servant in some of the great houses of New York City. … Read More

The Farmer’s Market and Building Reciprocal Relationships


Sweet Corn and Braiding Sweetgrass I sat in front of the band at the farmer’s market to drink in the happiness all around me. It is the beginning of September, and the vendors’ stalls are full of sweet corn, tomatoes, … Read More

Restoring Willamette Falls to Beauty from Industrial Detritus


Only Niagara Falls, in the U.S., has a greater volume I had never heard of Willamette Falls until I moved here, close to Oregon City, Oregon. It is second only to Niagara Falls in water volume in the U.S. I … Read More