The Thermostat Game


Every autumn I wait to see how late in the calendar I go before I turn on the furnace.  I don’t know why this frugality is a pleasure, because the self-abnegation, the suffering, is only mine to bear.  I don’t … Read More

the stale marshmallow


Remember the marshmallow test?  It still comes up in casual reference.  Forty years ago, a Stanford researcher put a marshmallow in front of a small child, and basically said “Don’t touch it, I have to leave the room.” The ability … Read More



I loved watching the current documentary on Leonard Cohen and Marianne for all the reasons it is easy to love a sun-drenched Greek island, blue Aegean Sea, artistic life of writing and drinking wine and making love, and imagine yourself … Read More

Becoming the music


Becoming the Music Considering Matthew Shepard is a haunting, beautiful cantata sung by Conspirare, a renowned choral group.  The night I heard a live performance, the audience was part of each note; we listened through to the end without one … Read More

No one cares, Your Highness…


Age – which we wear by virtue of being retired—is a great equalizer for women.  Maybe men, too, I don’t know, but there were some decades when being a single woman, a single parent, definitely felt like not being chosen … Read More

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