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Baby boomers: Off-stage, please

When will the Baby Boomers move off-stage?  The daily political discourse right now is an assault, and I am not attributing that assault to age, but maybe this generation has had its run. What would be the impact if tomorrow no one over 65 was in power in Washington, D.C.?  Just speculate with me, since these arguments are all about power, and maybe too many are holding on by their fingernails, as if wielding power will fend off their ultimate irrelevance.

I would have to let go of people I cheer for and admire – but I would wave off politicians who should be gone by now, and are on my list to loathe.  Four, five of our presidential candidates (depending who is in and who you are counting) are over 70.  The President, the Speaker, 53 members of the Senate – they would all retire to spend more time with their families, if their families will have them.  We could turn the big problems over to the younger people – the 50-year-olds—who should have their chance and help the Millennials save a future.

Really, it is as if holding political office is the new retirement option.

I think I still have most of my marbles, but I don’t want to put in long days, spend week-ends on airplanes, hold town halls and listen to complaints.  I sure as heck wouldn’t want the stress of the daily spin cycle and dumpster fires; it’s stressful enough reading about them from my couch.

There is much about this Administration that has felt like the Last Stand – demographics are changing, generations are changing, the culture is changing, it seems like for many, this is the last chance for the Patriarchy and the good ol’ boys to wave a collective fist at the sun and rant.  One wants to urge the crazy uncle in from the hill, it’s time to take your pills.

I hardly mean to diminish all the very serious issues playing out here, but a generation – my political generation, and those who are older – need to find some hobbies.  I need to find a hobby.  Following the political cliffhangers is exhausting.

Find your ol’ lady or your ol’ man (remember when that’s what we called our 20-year-old sweetheart?) and take a nap.  In the middle of the afternoon.  Pretend you are 20 and if you want to spend some energy, well, figure out an old way to do that and sing some songs, like, “All we are saying, is give Peace a chance.”  And get trucking.

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